Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Where do they get this stuff?

So the other day my wife calls me up and tells me that "it already started." I had no idea what she was talking about. Then she proceeded to tell me that our little boy, Stefano (who is 3.5 by the way), was embarassed to kiss her goodbye before he got on the bus to school. She said that while they were waiting for the bus in the house, he turned and said "I can give you a kiss now, but not when the bus comes." I couldn't help but laugh, because for some reason, my wife and I still think we are cool. How can we not be??? Well, here is our little 3 year old telling it like it is... "you guys are NOT cool." Have we really turned into our parents? I guess we have. Well, when I got home, I asked him if he would kiss me in front of the bus, and he basically repeated the same thing he told my wife...a big "NO!" After I picked my face up, I quickly said, "Oh yeah! Well guys don't kiss in front of the bus, we high-five!" And with that, he jumped up and said "Yes, daddy, we high-five." He hugged me and ran out of the room. That little hug and acknowledgment that high-fiving your dad was alright, made my night. See, I still am cool.


I've never been a blogger before. I guess that something that comes with age and kids. I noticed in the blogger settings I can have up to 100 authors to our DaddysRUs blog. So I wanted to invite anyone who joins the ability to author posts for themselves. I have a feeling the site might just turn into a porn site. So be it.... Kidding, I think.


I know every baby's temperament is different and a baby's cry can be the effect of many different things like teething, stomach or Colic. When I cry, usually it’s because of gas! I tried this little experiment that I think could be helpful to us dad's.

Dads have the role of "FUN, PLAY TIME" Guy. Our ladies even reinforce this "DADDY type cast" and I can count on one finger how many times my son has fallen asleep on me. Whatever, that's cool and fine by me. Dad's are more fun, I'll take that! However, being home and trying to get him to sleep when mommy is not there has been somewhat of a challenge. I think I got something that finally works.

Recently I started paying closer attention to the tone of my voice when talking to my son, speaking to him in different tones of voice for play and nap time. When its time for sleep I bring him to his crib and let him know what needs to be done. I speak to him like an adult, not a baby and the crazy thing is, I think he understand me better because of the different tone and seriousness in my voice. I never let him cry past 5 min, and when it comes to waiting outside his door, I think his tears effect me more than him. The little dude goes from crying LOUD to sleeping, in less than 5 min, which is something I still don't understand and don't need too because he's sleeping.

If my buddies can respect the fact that when I call "Fivisies" to save my spot on the couch, than I can respect the 5 min my son may need to chill out in his crib to fall asleep. Don't let your wife go in before "Fivesies", when she is home. It will ruin your schedule. With Baseball season coming up this "Fivesies" rule, should it work for your kid, will come in very handy catching more of the game.

If he does roll over before 5 min, it's for a reason and he's probably more comfortable in that position. This took me three weeks to figure out. I was going in and turning him over on his belly and restarting the 5 min clock. It became a game to him and I was being played by a 5 month year old. Let him fall asleep than turn him over, I get at least another 30 min of nap time out of him which translates into 3-4 inning of preseason baseball.

If anyone has anything else that may work for crying babies, because I know techniques are like trophies and trophies are always on display, let us know.

...Now back to work. Today I started an S Corp. For all you dads out there, if you don't have a family corporation in this economy, you should. I'll save this for another post should anyone have any questions or further interest.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Changing Diapers

Just because I never did it before, doesn't mean I need instructions. If you can tie your shoes you can change a diaper. Men are much more efficient in their diaper change technique. I like to think of it like a Nascar pit stop. My 5 month old son knows it all business when I change him, he raises his chubby legs and even hands me the A&D ointment. Afterall, we know there is only 2 min 2 sec of commercials inbetween innings.

Stay away from the butt paste. A&D is the team captain/MVP of mybaby's ass team. Not one ass rash after 5 months. I'm pretty proud of that stat.

This is a site for DADS, Moms can watch!

I'm not rich and I lost my job 3 weeks after my son was born. I've been home EVERYDAY since November. My sons age has become a reminder of how long I've been out of work. This time has also reminded me of what I could have been missing by working for some company that cares enough to lay me off 3 weeks after my son was born.

I've never been the type of person to lay down in defeat. I've always been the type to always get up, until recently. Now-a-days its more like I've been rolling down this hill and picking up speed, hitting a few bumps on way, I somehow popped back up on my feet. Dizzy and not knowing what direction I'm walking, I'm confident and believe its in the right direction.

Life changes and having my son, I say to everyone that told me before "a child will change your life ", that I get it now. I just never understood what "it will change you life" meant or how I was going to be effected....and I'm just getting started!

Just a few years earlier, I was making really good loot, traveling, buying things I didn't need and treating friends to lunch, dinner and mostly drinks. The phrase "I got it" was something that echoed off my lips when the bill came around. I liked to treat people as it always makes me feel good to give. Now-a-days I equate everything I spend by dividing everything by $23.76, the price of Similac Advanced formula.

It's hectic and times are different. While my wife is at work, I go to the supermarket. I didn't even know where the supermarket was located. I go to to BabiesRUS and try to focus on picking up JUST diapers and not the cool electronic monitors; especially, the one with the flat screen that could work out nice in my home office. I now look at everly single bill that comes in the mail, never realzing I was paying $3.69/gallon for oil . I now pay 2.29 (Slomins) and my savings, in the past 2 months, is over $500. A few weeks ago, around 3am, I saw a infomercial for "My Baby Can Read". I bought the dvd's and I make sure I play it for him at least a couple of times a week. I'll let you know when he starts reading.

Days are busy and more satisfying and I continue to work on building a wesite for my new consulting advertising company and embellish on a company I started almost 8 years ago. At the end of the day, I'm just another guy in the same position as many other Dads; trying to make it work.

The thing is I could not find a forum online for Dads or a forum that made me feel comfortable enough to express some "Mind Fat". This foum is for Dad's, new and old. Because now that I am a dad, I realize I should have listened long ago to my own!

This is what my Blog is about.