Monday, October 25, 2010

Are we BuddaYo's or parental messengers??

...that's the question. Are we put onto this earth to provide for our families eventually losing site of our own purpose? We gain a new purposes throughout our lives; and if we are lucky, we become family providers. A new purpose is born, a new direction and meaning evolves. Life is the evolution and result of who we are today based on the decisions we make yesterday. Life is is never about who we are right now, or tomorrow.

Our sights are never lost, or buried. Our true purpose in life is just being excavated along the way. Every reaction, both good or bad, digs deeper into our self treasures of who we are and what we are meant to be...

So many questions, so little time. Like seconds in a minute, our days and our purpose is found with each and every living moment. Each connection, in every second, in everyday, both good and bad, is the x , y equation of our lives. The question becomes do you have faith in your decisions and in yourselves to give confident answers to any questions you ask or the answers we give. Our level of confidence in beliefs defines our lives and level of our happiness.

Belief and confidence in our actions based on a hidden purpose we can not equate when we are young. Life is a result of complex sub conscious algorithms beyond self control, to which each and every answer we give is why and reason we are alive. Find yourself in every life, person, connection you make, effected by your actions and decisions. The equation to the infinite result beyond our comprehension is certain and it's alive and dead, it's neither right or wrong, it's no color or definite shape and happiness is not beyond our control or our reach...

Someday my son (possibly my son's or daughter's) will read this and I say... "Believe in yourself. Your a good person, believe in that you embody fate and confidence to ask and answer questions with the utmost certainty; it will be correct...

We are not far from being something we could never have imagined and your decisions and reactions do in fact effect not only your future but the future and happiness of those around you. Do good be good to your carefully select "Family Circle"...and the rest will lead you back again...around you go...your true self and ultimate happiness is certain." - DaddyYO