Tuesday, December 6, 2011

"Youth is wasted on the Young? Really???

LitteYO- 3years old
When did all this happen! Look at LittleYO...he's getting so big!! Talking and negotiating bedtime and the number of books to read him at night. It does go by fast. Would of never understood it, if I hadn't my own kids to reflect on. It is unreal experience to be a DaddyYO, it does take a lot of work, flexibility and if you want your kid to be half way normal....a lot of your attention. Is it all worth it? As a parent there is only one answer...of course it is ....and because there really isn't any other option.

Now if LittleYo can answer the same question, "...is it all worth it?" I wonder what he would say. I'm sure it takes more patience to be a 3 year old than it does to be 36 years old! Trust me, I don't listen to many people... and when I don't listen, I don't get in trouble...its a glorious thing.

I used to hear growing up "Youth is wasted on the young"- is it?  As an adult, I don't think it's true.  Whoever said that youth was for the young anyway? I think most adults are too blind to see the lessons kids can indirectly teach them, it's like there lil fortune cookies that makes uncanny relevance! Ya know....like playing the album "The WALL" by Pink Floyd on the third lion roar to the beginning of the Wizard of Oz. It's astonishing....how much MUCH SENSE kids can make.

Its seems to me some adults are "too smart" to listen to their kids, much less talk to them like a person not some 3 year old.  To see a parent act like "some dictator" and be completely ignorant of the opportunity to learn something from their kid much less take the approach to understand what truly is upsetting me....."STOP CRYING!" Ugh! It's like talking really loud to a blind man. It doesn't make any sense. Adults have more in common with kids than they think....and  is "Youth is wasted on adults"? It's probably a more accurate statement.

Life is relative to time. Therefore,  there is little (or NO) difference between our problems and level of happiness as adults compared to a three year old.  As we grow older our perspective changes with experience which is measured by time.  If  a 3 year old experiences 2 dramatic events ( over 3 years time) that would be equivalent to 12 dramatic events at age 36 (1/3).  Because dramatic events we experience throughout life increases with time it however doesn't equate to everyone who dies to be desensitized and void of all emotion. The levels of experience and knowledge are different but are relative and the same.

Normally, adults don't see kids problems as more important as their own.  Granted, adults don't scream in the middle of supermarket (Maybe) ) or piss ourselves - but adults have adapted more acceptable way to express ourselves to get what we want.  Isn't that exactly what our kids are trying to say?  Anyway....this is what I learned this week.

Dear LittleYo - At some age, people will stop telling you what to do and how to do it. Keeping this in mind, learn as much as you can from facts and not people righteous ego's.  Differentiating between the two could be tricky....and always ( no matter what listen to your DaddyYO)  You will learn a lot about yourself and more from your own kids someday; as I have learned from you. It is truly amazing the kind of conversations we already had at 3 years old. Much love to my Bug- DaddyYO

Next up....My PappinaYO turns 6 months. Learning girls are very different than boys. BIG surprise....right? Night and day. Oh how I love my Princess!!

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