Saturday, May 30, 2009

DaddyYO - Back to work we GO!

Apoloigies for not posting in a while...all for good reason!

Things were getting hairy for a while with no job after 7 months. However, as of May 28th I returned to work for a really good company. Another reason for not posting is a family vacation/wedding in Aruba! The first family vacation filled with NEW experiences and learning how to travel as a daddyYO for the first time.

After being home for so has been a psychological shift back to work. A whole new focus and routine none of which includes sneeking away for walks with LittleYO or hugs and mid-day 'power hour" of play time. I see these past 7 months as a godsend and grateful to be able to be there for LittleYO for his first months on this planet. I will never forget it! LittleYO now says "Da DA" all day-everyday and he's my number one fan, as I am his...

I will start blooging on mobile and keep my expereinces and thoughts flowing like a leaky faucet. I wanted to give a quick DaddyYOoooo to all my friends....

Stay tuned!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

LittleYO "Why" question is coming...

When I was younger I asked a lot of questions mainly because I knew there were reasons behind what I was seeing. Birds flying, waves crashing, a loud dishwasher and fire sirens...all of these things simply did not happen on their own. Something happen to make the birds fly, something happen to make the waves crash and fire engines roar. I took it upon myself at the age of three to take the dishwasher apart and figure it out for myself. I still don’t get it. My mom and dad were not happy and they gave me a watch to play with instead. Shortly after I started collecting watches and taking them apart to see how they worked. There are so many pieces all working together, perfectly. Each piece, small or big, is just as important to the end result, accurate time. It’s truly amazing how it all works…

Now a DaddyYO, I know these types of questions will be asked of me from my son and I look forward to them. Like my parents, I will reinforce free thinking, wonder, ideas and the endless possibilities of what he can achieve and accomplish in his lifetime. It’s what makes youth so exciting for him and everyone around him.

However, it is through my time and my experience in life that I’ve learned words like routine, conformity and 401K match. I think it’s a fair statement to say there are more followers than leaders. Corporations love followers and reinforce conformity and words like corporate culture. We get caught up in our day-to-day routine and we forget about our innate ability to be free thinkers. We spend the little time at night with our family and our children are a product of our 9-5 schedules. A cycle that is learned and reinforced all through life, starting at the early stages of our development.

Honestly, what happen to the Michelangelo’s, Locke, Berkeley, Sartre , Aristotle’s and Galileo’s of our time? WHERE DID THESE PEOPLE GO? My guess is extinction and I miss them. No one can be a freethinker who demands conformity and we all demand it because it pays our bills. We all accept it because we have too.

How many times have you sat in a meeting and someone asked “does anyone have any questions?” and Crickets…nobody speaks up. People are afraid. It’s really sad. We need to reinforce our littleYO’s to be a free thinker’s and to not be afraid TO SPEAK UP! The future depends on it.

We all work and live under one sky. Each of us, despite our title and status, is just as important to the end result. Their is an answer and explanation to everything and I always hoped the answers came easier with age. I guess like a watch, life is sometimes more like fixing than admiring.

To laugh often and much; To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children;

To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends;

To appreciate beauty;

To find the best in others;

To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition;

To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived;

This is to have succeeded.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Monday, May 4, 2009

Mother's Day $20 Gift Idea - Dont be LAME! Be Creative.

Hey DaddyY0's, are you buggin out about a gift idea for MommyYO. Mothers day is this week! Send my any picture and I will convert it into a free sketch. Same day turn around. PayPal me $20- will send back print ready 8.5 x 11' to fit frame.

Tell MommyYO you hired Picasso to draw this....this is a legit gift. She'll dig it. Direct message me and I'll hook it up.

Example below:

Mothers Day Gift