Tuesday, December 6, 2011

"Youth is wasted on the Young? Really???

LitteYO- 3years old
When did all this happen! Look at LittleYO...he's getting so big!! Talking and negotiating bedtime and the number of books to read him at night. It does go by fast. Would of never understood it, if I hadn't my own kids to reflect on. It is unreal experience to be a DaddyYO, it does take a lot of work, flexibility and if you want your kid to be half way normal....a lot of your attention. Is it all worth it? As a parent there is only one answer...of course it is ....and because there really isn't any other option.

Now if LittleYo can answer the same question, "...is it all worth it?" I wonder what he would say. I'm sure it takes more patience to be a 3 year old than it does to be 36 years old! Trust me, I don't listen to many people... and when I don't listen, I don't get in trouble...its a glorious thing.

I used to hear growing up "Youth is wasted on the young"- is it?  As an adult, I don't think it's true.  Whoever said that youth was for the young anyway? I think most adults are too blind to see the lessons kids can indirectly teach them, it's like there lil fortune cookies that makes uncanny relevance! Ya know....like playing the album "The WALL" by Pink Floyd on the third lion roar to the beginning of the Wizard of Oz. It's astonishing....how much MUCH SENSE kids can make.

Its seems to me some adults are "too smart" to listen to their kids, much less talk to them like a person not some 3 year old.  To see a parent act like "some dictator" and be completely ignorant of the opportunity to learn something from their kid much less take the approach to understand what truly is upsetting me....."STOP CRYING!" Ugh! It's like talking really loud to a blind man. It doesn't make any sense. Adults have more in common with kids than they think....and  is "Youth is wasted on adults"? It's probably a more accurate statement.

Life is relative to time. Therefore,  there is little (or NO) difference between our problems and level of happiness as adults compared to a three year old.  As we grow older our perspective changes with experience which is measured by time.  If  a 3 year old experiences 2 dramatic events ( over 3 years time) that would be equivalent to 12 dramatic events at age 36 (1/3).  Because dramatic events we experience throughout life increases with time it however doesn't equate to everyone who dies to be desensitized and void of all emotion. The levels of experience and knowledge are different but are relative and the same.

Normally, adults don't see kids problems as more important as their own.  Granted, adults don't scream in the middle of supermarket (Maybe) ) or piss ourselves - but adults have adapted more acceptable way to express ourselves to get what we want.  Isn't that exactly what our kids are trying to say?  Anyway....this is what I learned this week.

Dear LittleYo - At some age, people will stop telling you what to do and how to do it. Keeping this in mind, learn as much as you can from facts and not people righteous ego's.  Differentiating between the two could be tricky....and always ( no matter what listen to your DaddyYO)  You will learn a lot about yourself and more from your own kids someday; as I have learned from you. It is truly amazing the kind of conversations we already had at 3 years old. Much love to my Bug- DaddyYO

Next up....My PappinaYO turns 6 months. Learning girls are very different than boys. BIG surprise....right? Night and day. Oh how I love my Princess!!

PLEASE CLICK ON AN AD(s)! By doing so, money made from Google ads will go toward my LittleYO's college tuition

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

A Ferris Thanksgiving

Amazing how life grabs you by the collar, I don't know when it happen but it did. It shakes you....and this Thanksgiving, I going to stop and look at my two littleyo's and my wifeyyo....and remember this moment in time. I'm a lucky DaddyYO and giving Thanks,  not just on Thanksgiving but everyday.  Because "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."

May you enjoy your Thanksgiving with your families, a full uninterrupted cold beer and have a very SAFE holiday.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Please Refer to me as Ordained Minister DaddyYO.

On this day, October 23, 2011-I received a call from a very good friend. I will give you a hint, his name is GunzYO. Never expecting to receive this type of call, from anyone, I was asked if I would do the great honor of marrying him and LizYO on their wedding day Yo!

WOW! WOW! ummm WOW! ahhh...Really?  WOW! I was equally shocked too... AND very honored (after I got over the shock) that anyone would even ask me to do something like this... and on one of the most important days of their life. WOW! ....of course I do it. I'm in!

In order to make this happen and In compliance with Section 11 of the New York State Domestic Relations Law ....wait for it......

DaddyYO will officially become an ORDAINED MINISTER and be granted the authority to perform marriage ceremonies, teaching of beliefs; leading services such as baptisms or otherwise providing spiritual guidance to the community.  Can I get an AMENNNNNNN!

....and so my Brothers and Sister’s....I’m honored and extremely elated, like a fat Cherub angel, for this amazing opportunity that has been bestowed on me by two very special people. Still deciding on bling'd out full traditional garb....or suite?

So add DaddyYO to the same list as the POPE, Billy Graham and Oral Roberts and Conan O'Brian! ...and Thank you to GunYO and LizYO for allowing me to take part in such an important role on their big day.

I leave you in peace,

Friday, October 21, 2011

Free College? Hmmm

So I had an Idea. If you know me, your probably not surprised! As a new DaddyYO there was very little I could relate to in the books and articles I read about becoming a father. Most of what I read referenced MommyYO and for those books and articles that did reference Dad; well, those article were written by some chick! No disrespect, but clearly women and men don't see things in the same way.

A testament to this under served and unrecognized breed of DaddyYO's, I bought the domain DaddysRus.com . I started blogging and having a lot of fun with translating my experience into posts. Posts included how to handle crying, NASCAR diaper changing, strolling in public in the middle of the day, the first public temper tantrum etc...

I had some really good responses and feedback and decided to start a twitter account "DaddyY0" (0 is a zero). So far, I have had some meaningful conversations, that I truly was very surprised to have, because I did not believe these type of real conversations truly existed. To date, we have had sponsors like FLIP send a few FLIP cams and now close to 350 followers on twitter, I thought it was time to start a facebook page.

My BIG idea is to Google Adsense the snot out of my blog. The more I blog, the more relevant it will be on search engines, the more traffic to the site the more people that will click on my relevant ads. This converts to money. All this money will be put toward my littleYO and CookieYO's college. I plan on blogging for many years to come and hope to keep my posts relevant, humorous and to keep friends of our blog clicking on my ads in the years to come. If not for me, for my littleYO and CookieYO.

So please friend us on Facebook and Twitter....and never forget to click on an ad that u find interesting.....For the kids!

Geo tracking pics on Smart fons

If you haven't yet heard, I will summarize for all you YO's. Basically, Smartphone pictures pose privacy risks because the image we upload to the web from our mobile is coded with GPS. That means based on the pics u post on the web, predators can determine your littleYO's exact location.

SOLUTION: Disable your GEO tracking on your phone. Below is a link on how to do that for multiple smart phones: A great site that shows how to disable GPS across different smartphones

If you happen to know one of these weirdo predators, call me- DaddyYO can take care of them free of charge.;o)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


MommyYO and I have been anxiously awaiting the arrival of "CookieYO" . "LittleYO" not as much, because he doesn't understand whats going on. Especially after MommyYO eating chocolate donuts for the last 40 weeks, he might think mom had gone Chubby; her stomach the natural progression of time and food.  One thing is for sure, this was a completely different EXPERIENCE from Start to end!

LittleYO was a week late.  We checked in to the hospital, ordered in food and watched movies waiting for the contractions to begin. Organized Chaos, but still organized and a great first experience. This time...this time....hahah well...

Expecting to be late with CookieYO, we already had a "Check-in" time at he hospital for Mommyyo to be induced. Never did we think anything else, especially an "ontime" birth.  The due date and Dr. visit happened on May 20th. "Yep" the Dr. said. "Nothing. I'll see you next week to be induced".

MommyYO came home and shared the news of the added time we had to complete the downstairs project. We went out to dinner that night and we were pretty relaxed.  I had a few drinks; enjoying and celebrating the arrival of our daughter and the 40 weeks of having a designated driver come to a close....

That night....."Babe wake up. Babe! wake up" MommyYO says. I looked at the time.  It was 3am. "What the F@#$!" Are you ok?" I added! Groggy and never going through full labor pains with LitteYO we both had no idea of the natural progression of labor. It was crazy! Realizing, actually guessing it was TIME, I jumped out of bed and woke up NannaYO  who came up "early" the night before to help us out with LittleYO. Thank god for NannaYO.  Unprepared as I was,  I jumped in my car filled up my tank (at $4.89 a gallon!)...came speeding home and loaded MommyYO, the baby car seat into the Jeep.

"Wait. Whats the address to the hospital??" I said. MommyYO now in pain and her contractions are now 7 min apart.  I pulled out my phone for a quick google search.  I plugged in the location into my GPS as my arm was being squeezed and her nails  buried into my forearm from MommyYo pain. "Here it comes again!" MommyYO yells.....Ahhhhhhhhh!!!! Pulling out of the driveway, I knew this was going to be a crazy ride.  The time 4am.  "Please God, get us there safe" I thought.

Her pain increased and so did my vehicle speed.  I ran every red light and was traveling 90-100 mph. "Oh god, please don't crash" I kept thinking.  My GPS voice come on the radio "Make next left..." Paying more attention to MommyYO than where I was driving wiping  the beads of sweat out of my eyes in the dawn of the evening, I drove as fast... The GPS come son the radio "You have arrived!" MommyYO "Where the F#$% are we? This isn't it!". I had no idea where we were!  My stomach turned upside down that moment!

I saw a cop car, I stepped on the gas. I flashed  my lights, honked my horn and he finally pulled over. "Officer, where are we? My wife is in labor and about to give birth. We need to get to Manhattan" The Officer replied "Your in Brooklyn and your a good 45 min away!" MommyYO " Ohh GOOODDDD" she screams! I'm not giving birth in the Ghetto! " Looking at the GPS I see the address on the screen read 5th st, not 5th Ave! "Ohhhhh my god!"...I put in the wrong address and NO... the police officer did not offer to help us!

Inside I'm beyond the freaking out stage! Thinking we are not going to make it to the hospital in time. The skin on my arm is now bleeding from MommyYO grasping it in pain. I thinking I'm going to have to deliver this baby in our jeep! I stepped on the gas to Manhattan via Brooklyn Bridge. Making the turn onto the bridge the sign read "Brooklyn Bridge Closed 1/21! "Fuck it, I'm taking it anyway! Cops converge, I'm stopped. I explain my story and was told to take Manhattan Bridge. MommyYO contractions are now 5 min apart! ...and NO the police officers did not offer to help us!

Now on the FDR north, my phone rings and it was our Dr. ( Who looks like Beyonce!)who we called to tell her we were on the way. Dr.YO  "Where are you guys!?" to which I replied "Doc, we got lost, we are on the FDR we'll be there in 15 min" MommyYO now screaming "I feel like I need to push!" to which I replied " please don't do that." I hung up the fon and pressed on the gas. The time now is 4:45am.

Hazard lights on, hand on the horn now going about 80-90 mph, we get to the hospital entrance at 5:15am. I whistle for a wheelchair from the front door security guard. This guy moving at a snails pace I said "He is definitely not moving fast enough" I grab the wheelchair from him and RUN her upstairs in the elevator to the delivery room. "I feel her coming" MommyYO says "Hurry UP!"

280 Chocolate donuts and Less than 10 min later,  at 5:27 am along came our princess at 8lbs 5 oz, 20' long. We made it barely!

Both MommyYO and I and LittleYO are extremely happy! Everyone is great and LittleYO has been taking to the role of being a BIG Brother fantastically!

...and so the next chapter begins!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Haircuts. Not Fun!

Took LittleYO to the barber shop this morning. Decided to go to the last place we got his haircut where an ol man did a FAST and clean job. We get there, the ol man is no where to be found. An old Russian women comes out tells us to "sit down". I put the bug on my lap. "Little off the top and back?" She says. "Yes" I replied. She takes out the clippers as LittleYO sat screaming and kicking for his life! I held lil head in my chest while holding both arms down to his side. She stops cutting and starts small talk "How old is he? What's his name.. " My stressed response, looking her directly in the eyes..."Lady, you can not be serious. Please, just get this done as fast as you can".....LittleYO is screaming "Daddy....no!!! NO! ". Its getting hectic. I'm sweating, hair is sticking to my face and my arms. I look like a frustrated Chewbacca. She finishes up cutting the back of his head and within a split second, goes right to the top of his head with the same clipper setting. Right down the middle of his head. She Cut off all is hair. "WTF lady...R u serious right now??. Do you realize my wife is going to F'in kill me!"...Now, I'm scared. We finished and left this hellish place on earth. Mommyyo is coming home today and she is going to put her foot up my ass. This is my last transmission. If you do not hear from me. This post documents the events as they happened in real time.


Isn't it always about the Lollipop? MomyYO came home last night and stared at him for a good 2 min. I waited silently in the corner, watching from the other side of the room. It did seem like a lifetime before she said "It's cute. I like it. It will grow back". I confidently moved closer to MommyYO into the center of the room. I agreed with "Yes, of course. It's summer time. I think he really likes the cut. He's been smiling all day...." realizing I was talking too much, I stopped and moved stealthy onto another topic . Update: LitteYO woke this morning asking where his hair went?

Friday, February 25, 2011

Bertrand Russell on God (1959)

Brad Paisley - Anything Like Me (Live on Letterman)

Funny- how before I was married, I didn't even like country music. I guess people do change and to say that I have changed from marriage and kids, is an understatement. In a short period of time, less than 3 years, my thoughts, behavior patterns and habits have visible changed; I like to think for the better. From quitting the occasional smoke,  going to bed before 11pm to listening to Country music....I sometimes think I'm changing so much, so fast, I don't know who I am.  Above all, as a parent I'm now more patient, something I never was few years back. Being patient is a gift, because with patience you take the extra few seconds to recognize the moments in life that are significant....including hearing a song on the radio in a genre I used to not like!

Kids are not patient, even some grow ups don't make it "there", but should there be a day when LittleYO reads this blog....the secret to the sauce kid,  one the ingredients anyway, of success is patience. This song reminded me of my DaddyYO and how much I'm probably like him now. Although our father-son relationship was short lived (he passed when I was 18 yrs old)....there was a lot I needed to figure out on my own. It was hard and still is but what I learned from GrandpaYO is and will be passed on to my son.

I pray LitteYO listens to me, but makes his own decisions.  I pray that he is polite, but still says what's on his mind (without offending anyone)... this is one, I'm still working on. I pray that I will be around for LittleYO's blog in his future and share with him the moments I never had with my father.  More importantly, I pray that no song on the radio will remind LittleYO of who I was and who I still am when he is older and to be able to pick up the phone and talk to me in his old age.
...and if your anything like me, being a parent makes life pretty amazing..... Enjoy.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Life's Undertoe

I promised myself when Littleyo was born I'd write down the previous weeks thoughts and lessons. In the beginning I was diligent. I was able to keep it up for months.  I learned rather than come up with an excuse ( I have plenty) this time in my life I understand the deeper importance of family and nothing is more important than preserving the memories of something extraordinary. My family defines who I am and to have these stories to share and look back on is a gift.

...LittleYO I can not stop loving him ever!!! This little man is incredible and I found myself not talking to him like a baby.  I talk to him like I want him to speak to me when he finally string some words together.  Now 2 1/2 that time is getting closer and we read books, sing and so much more. What is most important is preparing him for his Sisteryo in MAY!

To have a daughterYO, I still can not image loving anything as much or even equal to how much I love LittleYO.  I want to be even and non partial with my kids with my love and as it stands right now...I have no idea what I am feeling; other than a bit nervous and scared. Will I and Can I love her as much? Everybody tells me "you'll see" and I cant wait....

Weeks away from the arrival we need to come up with a name for daughterYO for our blog, so I've come up with CookieYO! Lets see if it sticks.....

For now, I got lots to do before CookieYO arrives. So Much to do......but I will make more time to write and will try not to let anything come in between this very important time for me. Looking back, I thank myself for the video I uploaded, the pictures I have taken and the stories I have captured.I will be doing more of it.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

GrandmaYo's last lesson to DaddyYO

When I finally have the time to sit down and write..its never a good time for my thoughts, as I feel I don't have much to write about. Instead of writing "nothing new..all the same" this blog helps me to reflect on the past couple of weeks. Now, after thinking about it, I don't want to avoid speaking about something important and very personal.

This holiday season was a rough one for me and my familyyo. GrandmaYO ( my Mommyyo) passed on December 10th, 2010. She was a Christmas baby and would of been 63 years old on December 25th, 2010. Rushing down to be by her side, I wished there was something I can do to help. A feeling of complete powerlessness. There was nothing I can do or any doctor could and my MommyYO knew it. She was ready and  and in one of her most famous replies " it is what it is. What can you do." - So we sat there all together (all her kids - 4 total) by her side for 2 weeks.

When we had some time alone. I asked if she had any regrets? She said "The only thing I regret, is not being there for the grand kids...I'm really going to miss them""- it dawned on me at that moment, how very special her grandchildren are to her and the enormous  love she had for all of them.  I believe, those few sentences were so pure of love, still very much alive, it taught me a very special lesson.  Looking at her...she looking at me; we shared a brief lapse in time together. A Day Dream, that we did not discuss....

Not knowing if we were sharing the same thought or experience, I sat there holding her hand reflecting on her response.   All of a sudden, emotions rushed across my mind like a tornado, picking up thoughts from the past and present and throwing them down into my consciousness.  I became light and unaware of my body and my physical surroundings. I got the chills and felt something inside/out and around that was very real and present.  It was one of the last, of many, magical moments I shared with my mother. I was kicked back into reality where I stood next to my folding chair, next to her bed.

The life lessons, the motherly voice still in my head, of love will live on....for someday LittleYO, now 2 years old and " BabyYO" now 7 months along and due in May will read back on this post and keep GrandmaYO close in there thoughts, weather they remember her or not. Love truly knows know boundaries, alive or dead.  We will miss her, forever and her love lives on.....

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Life's Everlasting Equation.

“Life is precious whether you decide to live it or not. Life is fair and unfair no matter which side your on. Life is balanced and prejudiced at the same time. Life is the ability to echo during quietness and the power to demand silence during the most chaotic and loudest of times. If undecided choices and unspoken words are the truths, we breathe not to exist; we breathe to love... and love proves our existence long after we cease to exist.” -- Rallo