Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I was having a Bad Day...Until...

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

It's a Terrible World not the Terrible 2's!

When your LittleYO starts making trains sounds like “CHOO CHOO” its symbolic to the LittleYO train ahead that will run over DaddyYO’s head. I see it and hear it....months away from turning two, like a train light in a tunnel, I stand in the middle of the tracks and I brace myself for impact. There is no way or anywhere to run, step aside or leap over. I will get hit....with how much force? I do not know.

MommyYO “ You wanna have another one?” DaddyYO “ Another what?”....endless, breathless and very REAL! DaddyYO has its moments, but I remain excited, very happy and lucky to have LittleYO in my life. He is my life and honestly I don’t know what my life would be without him.

Age 2 is a stage that scares me as much as the day LittleYO was born. Tying to keep in control of my emotions and outbursts, I try to remain calm and teach the important parental lessons that are so inconsistent with life. Like teaching me the periodic table in High School, we raise our LittleYO’s to share with others, “To Be Nice”, “Do Not Hit’ and say "Please and Thank You”. Meanwhile, we, as the parents don’t believe any of nonsense we teach our kids because we as adults don't practice what we preach.

The other day, MommyYO took spill in Manhattan. MommyYO is very hot-yo and yet not one person helped her up from the ground. Not one human offered a helping hand, not one person to ask if she was alright? I was furious, still am. A pathetic (sad) state we live in as adults and place our LittleYO's grow up in. At what age did we all become douche bags? ...and why? ( I live in New York and I pray its not like this everywhere!)

Was it because you were fat when you were younger? You didn’t have a lot of friends growing up? Were you made fun of? Your parents got divorced at an early age? You have one leg? Whatever the excuse...at what age did people give up on people? Its seems we are only interested in people outside of ourselves if it's a reality show on television....I throw up in my mouth!

A culmination of experiences that enables us to think “it’s ok” to be less human. Completely ignoring moments in time where people are in physical need of help and/or attention. We walk by people in need and ignore them, like retarded blind dogs. If you’d say “Oh I would of definitely of stopped” I say “Good! Your Supposed too!” but when MommyYO fell, more than 200 people didn't stop that day!

If its the truth that attracts people to each other in adulthood, than its also the attraction of the unedited truth that kids pay most attention too; in between lessons. Our unguarded and unedited adult behaviors eventually becomes the behaviors our LittleYO’s start to mimic; regardless of the “lessons” we teach them.

Its just so unbelievable to me that teaching my son be compassionate towards not only his family but to others makes him unique in this world. It's a terrible world not the terrible two's!