Wednesday, November 23, 2011

A Ferris Thanksgiving

Amazing how life grabs you by the collar, I don't know when it happen but it did. It shakes you....and this Thanksgiving, I going to stop and look at my two littleyo's and my wifeyyo....and remember this moment in time. I'm a lucky DaddyYO and giving Thanks,  not just on Thanksgiving but everyday.  Because "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."

May you enjoy your Thanksgiving with your families, a full uninterrupted cold beer and have a very SAFE holiday.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Please Refer to me as Ordained Minister DaddyYO.

On this day, October 23, 2011-I received a call from a very good friend. I will give you a hint, his name is GunzYO. Never expecting to receive this type of call, from anyone, I was asked if I would do the great honor of marrying him and LizYO on their wedding day Yo!

WOW! WOW! ummm WOW! ahhh...Really?  WOW! I was equally shocked too... AND very honored (after I got over the shock) that anyone would even ask me to do something like this... and on one of the most important days of their life. WOW! ....of course I do it. I'm in!

In order to make this happen and In compliance with Section 11 of the New York State Domestic Relations Law ....wait for it......

DaddyYO will officially become an ORDAINED MINISTER and be granted the authority to perform marriage ceremonies, teaching of beliefs; leading services such as baptisms or otherwise providing spiritual guidance to the community.  Can I get an AMENNNNNNN!

....and so my Brothers and Sister’s....I’m honored and extremely elated, like a fat Cherub angel, for this amazing opportunity that has been bestowed on me by two very special people. Still deciding on bling'd out full traditional garb....or suite?

So add DaddyYO to the same list as the POPE, Billy Graham and Oral Roberts and Conan O'Brian! ...and Thank you to GunYO and LizYO for allowing me to take part in such an important role on their big day.

I leave you in peace,