Sunday, October 25, 2009

LitttleYO and BuddyYO- The simplicity of youth, the happiness of children and the sound of laughter.

As you get older- some realize, more than others, when not to speak. This week is one of those times for DaddyYO.

The simplicity of youth, the happiness of children and the sound of laughter. It's these things in life that remind us who we are, where we came from and all the more reason to look forward to tomorrow.

Have great week DaddyYO's!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

"Parent- Hood"- Real or Fiction - at the least, we can make this into a movie!

Before posting the 1st Birthday recap which was a great one, I wanted to share with you something that happen to me this morning.

Today leaving the house and saying good bye to LittleYO is something I do everyday. Recently it's become progressively tougher for me to do. Mainly because his personality is coming out and he now realizes that I'm leaving him for the day, again. Now, this morning was no different from other mornings, until I got off the subway today in downtown Manhattan....

Everyday to get to work, I walk passed a day care center in lower Manhattan. All the mommyyo's and daddyyo's are dropping their kids off. Each day I hear the same things "I love you and I will see you later". I started to think that as adults we have become F'in retarded, my self included. Why must we miss out on the day-to-day with our kids? There is nothing more we want as parentyo's than to be with our kids. However, we have become trained to go to work and say good bye...hug and kiss your baby and tell then to have a "nice day". Seriously, this is bull sh*&! (I'm not allowed to curse anymore since Littlyo picked up on the word "Shit" last week)...

Parent-hood 1. One who begets, gives birth to, or nurtures and raises a child; a father or mother.

Now, let be honest. In order to raise a child, both parents have to work. Are we parenting? Is spending time with your child for two hours in the morning and two hours at night (if I get home on time) parenting? So I have an idea...!

It’s a ridiculous idea. However, the more thought I gave it; the more I wanted to feed it. Everything is situational. Humans have the innate ability to adapt. Looking back at the economy over the last few years, it's been hard, we adapted to new life styles and survived one the toughest economic collapses in history. So why not adapt to a lifestyle that benefits you, your family and friends. I call it PARENT- HOOD!
"Parent-Hood" - Call it a "town", call it "Religion", call it a "CULT", call it "Alternative Living", and call it anything you want. A town for families to spend the first 2 years of your kids life together, as a family among other families. A town that takes care of you and your family, as long as you take care of it back. A town that allows you to live, laugh, love as a family and allows you to spend the time, we can only dream with our kids. A town with no work, no nannies and no weekly paychecks. A town, a parent-HOOD, that redefines and grows the relationship with our family and "LittleYo's". Ya see, all children are born with the potential to be great! By simply being there, as parents, for our kids, they have a better chance of reaching a whole new level of achievement.

After two years families, from all over the world, who lived in "Parent-Hood" return back to their lives in the "old world". We return to our old lifestyles of work and nannies and weekly paychecks. However, because of the last two years we have spent with our families, we are changed people. We have a better and stronger sense of family values and community. An idea that starts with the family, effects the community and potentially the future of the world.

Granted this is nonsense post that borders on the line of delusional. However, if this thought could become something more by writing it down and somehow change the way we all are programmed to live our lives; maybe as parents, we can become less delusional to the current role we have lead to believe is "Ok" or the Norm".

We don't need to say "I love you and I will see you later".

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday LittleYO!

I can't believe this week, last year, LittleYO arrived. My boy turns one and the old folks telling me to "enjoy it, it goes by quick" weren't kidding. Looking back, I shake my head and think how lucky I am to have this super kid in my life. It was a good year and the 8 months off of work ( not by choice) in the beginning of the year, actually ended up being a good thing. To be able to spend his first 8 months of life together was priceless. I'm thankful.

Preparing for his birthday has been more exciting than I thought. A lot of preparation...including LittleYO's first haircut. It never ends, new DaddyYO experiences everyday. New words and he even took his first steps today! Its awesome and I can not wait for tomorrow, to spend more time with him. It's what I live and work for, my family.

My first year as a DaddyYO, I've learned life is ordinary, family makes it extraordinary and experiences that you share together is what makes life so great! I will treasure every moment and will forever Live, Laugh and Love with my HERO~!