Tuesday, June 23, 2009

DaddyYO_Great 1st DaddyYO day!

8 months and counting. Getting back into the work is getting easier, because it has too. Spending QT in the evening and early morning hours. I miss LittleYO every sec. A very new, and another, feeling I have as a father that I never felt before.

My first fathers day was one I will never forget! I spent the day with the familyYO and thinking of my dad and if he experienced similar feelings that I am having now for myself. I'll never know. I just hope that LittleYO has half the love and respect I have for my daddyYO.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Run 1 = 30 min - 586 calories- keep it going!

I did it. I got my fat ass to the beach and ran for 30 min. WifeyYO and LittleYO also went with me, so it turned out to be more enjoyable night than I thought. I do feel little better, but I know there are many more nights ahead of me that I will need to find the time to run.

Being able to include littleYO in the run was not something I even thought about. Like music, it pushed me. I found myself driven by just having him there, so bring your kid throw them in a sled, carry them on your shoulders, you can do it. Make it a family affair. I felt so good, we went out for seafood salada...beer was tempting but I resisted.

Drinking as much water as I can tonight and tomorrow before my run, to see if it helps.

Its in you. If you feel it and can think it you can make it happen. I'm dropping 30lbs in 3 months...so could you! Be a doer.

DaddyYO's 3 month - training program- join me if you want.

After 2 weeks back at work, I'm trying to find my energy to begin working out again. One way or another, it will be done. Any free time I have goes to Littleyo. Its easy to forget about yourself and the last thing I want to do is use LittleYo as an excuse foe, lets face it, F-A-T. Its not a good feeling as we all know...and dont ask wifeyyo, she is lying when she says your not fat.

I invite all daddyYO's to join me on this 3 month "TRIP" - it's not easy and I know we all work hard, we all have families and any excuse as to why you can't do this, is the difference between you and me. Your choice...I'm running...with or without..

I'm gathering my itunes library at this moment. I will even make efforts to go running tonight, while the feeling is still right. I have ran marathon's before and the hardest part is getting started. I honestly never thought in a million years Id be able to run a marathon. I also never thought I weigh 210lbs. Very upsetting. First thing, I'm going to make a daily goal ( not weekly), a schedule for the next day and honestly I don't eat bad so hopefully that makes things easier.

Step One:
I. Prepare
1. Music
2. sneakers
3. start thinking about the next run before the first one is done.
4. try not to feel bad about going for a run, leavin the LittleYO at home.
5. enough talk fat ass...go run! starting 20-30 min runs...

Good luck, hope to have you join me.

Goal weight: 195lbs currently 210 - total weight loss is 15 lbs - 2- 3 months.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Week 1 - Back to the GRIND!~

So as promised, I started writing today on the train with an application on my BB call cellspin.net. However, just as I hit submit, I went into a tunnel and my well thought out post was lost in cyberspace forever. That sucks.

Week 1 has taken some adjustment from being home after 7 months. Seven months ago, two weeks after LittleYO arrived, I was laid off. At first, I was really angry and upset for the timing and the absence of corporate compassion. I know, I know....what was I thinking and expecting from a corporation. Stupid. However, having a son was an important time in my life and everyone around me knew, I wasn't even given a heads up. This experience has changed me forever....

Now back at work and 8 months later, I take with me a bag full of memories of being so present in LittleYO's first 8 months of life. An experience, as a first time dad, I had no idea was about. I'm extremely thankful for this experience that many DaddyYO's miss out on...no matter the costs of not working for 8 months there is no price or job I would of taken, if I wasn't running out of money.

Work has been an adjustment, however my focus will never stray from what is most important to me, family and happiness. Forever, its always been about my job, coming in early, leaving late and even working from home. I look back and think, when did that become the norm? Why in a million years would I compensate my free time for some company, at the end of the day, REALLY does not care about you. Trust me, your company does not care about you. I don't care if you worked for the same company for 50 years...they-don't-care. A realization that has empowered me to focus my work and everything I do on something bigger than me and life, Family. I had no idea how important family is despite my Dad's mantra "Family (...and your mind) is all you have" I come to learn that this is in fact, the truth and now exists in my world.

Gone are the days of wanting to go out after work. Darting home to spend an hour with LittleYO before he falls asleep and wifeyYO, is the highlight of my day! Nothing else matters and nothing else ever will. Prior to where I am now I was distracted, like many, from the gravitational pull of the corporation. Which we all know, wherever we get pulled, its never in the direction of our own benefit. Yet, people still work overtime and on the weekends...STOP! I would of never of seen the light should it not have been forced on me 8 months ago, when I was let go from my job. I thought it was the end of my world, it was just the beginning.