Thursday, September 30, 2010

Infant Formula Recall 2010: Similac Recall From Abbott Labs | The News is

Infant Formula Recall 2010: Similac Recall From Abbott Labs | The News is

Monday, September 20, 2010

DaddyYO thoughts...

For much different reasons why & what made me happy two years ago, I sit down today with an enormous amount of new happiness, new reasons... A recent realization that youth is not wasted on the young. The meaning behind my youthful experiences has helped me to appreciate the things I have today, not the things I don't have and the importance of instilling the same in my LittleYO's morals and standards.

It's all about the base. It's all about the foundation we build in our lives. From our own morals, own standards and values we give our own relationships. From more important to less meaningful friendships, they are, nonetheless, all very important and pieces to the puzzle for later on in life.

The good thing about living is that it can always change, without notice. Life is organic, a living and breathing tsunami wave of unpredictability. Only when you respect and understand a power much greater than yourself, can you surf the heart of the wave.

Life is measured by the great things you do for people, not how great you become and I will keep this close to mind. Like the ocean, the undertoe of life can sometimes drag you far from the one thing people will always protect, their hearts. Be kinder, gentler, be open and listen for your life will never be the same again!