Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Haircuts. Not Fun!

Took LittleYO to the barber shop this morning. Decided to go to the last place we got his haircut where an ol man did a FAST and clean job. We get there, the ol man is no where to be found. An old Russian women comes out tells us to "sit down". I put the bug on my lap. "Little off the top and back?" She says. "Yes" I replied. She takes out the clippers as LittleYO sat screaming and kicking for his life! I held lil head in my chest while holding both arms down to his side. She stops cutting and starts small talk "How old is he? What's his name.. " My stressed response, looking her directly in the eyes..."Lady, you can not be serious. Please, just get this done as fast as you can".....LittleYO is screaming "Daddy....no!!! NO! ". Its getting hectic. I'm sweating, hair is sticking to my face and my arms. I look like a frustrated Chewbacca. She finishes up cutting the back of his head and within a split second, goes right to the top of his head with the same clipper setting. Right down the middle of his head. She Cut off all is hair. "WTF lady...R u serious right now??. Do you realize my wife is going to F'in kill me!"...Now, I'm scared. We finished and left this hellish place on earth. Mommyyo is coming home today and she is going to put her foot up my ass. This is my last transmission. If you do not hear from me. This post documents the events as they happened in real time.


Isn't it always about the Lollipop? MomyYO came home last night and stared at him for a good 2 min. I waited silently in the corner, watching from the other side of the room. It did seem like a lifetime before she said "It's cute. I like it. It will grow back". I confidently moved closer to MommyYO into the center of the room. I agreed with "Yes, of course. It's summer time. I think he really likes the cut. He's been smiling all day...." realizing I was talking too much, I stopped and moved stealthy onto another topic . Update: LitteYO woke this morning asking where his hair went?