Friday, February 25, 2011

Bertrand Russell on God (1959)

Brad Paisley - Anything Like Me (Live on Letterman)

Funny- how before I was married, I didn't even like country music. I guess people do change and to say that I have changed from marriage and kids, is an understatement. In a short period of time, less than 3 years, my thoughts, behavior patterns and habits have visible changed; I like to think for the better. From quitting the occasional smoke,  going to bed before 11pm to listening to Country music....I sometimes think I'm changing so much, so fast, I don't know who I am.  Above all, as a parent I'm now more patient, something I never was few years back. Being patient is a gift, because with patience you take the extra few seconds to recognize the moments in life that are significant....including hearing a song on the radio in a genre I used to not like!

Kids are not patient, even some grow ups don't make it "there", but should there be a day when LittleYO reads this blog....the secret to the sauce kid,  one the ingredients anyway, of success is patience. This song reminded me of my DaddyYO and how much I'm probably like him now. Although our father-son relationship was short lived (he passed when I was 18 yrs old)....there was a lot I needed to figure out on my own. It was hard and still is but what I learned from GrandpaYO is and will be passed on to my son.

I pray LitteYO listens to me, but makes his own decisions.  I pray that he is polite, but still says what's on his mind (without offending anyone)... this is one, I'm still working on. I pray that I will be around for LittleYO's blog in his future and share with him the moments I never had with my father.  More importantly, I pray that no song on the radio will remind LittleYO of who I was and who I still am when he is older and to be able to pick up the phone and talk to me in his old age.
...and if your anything like me, being a parent makes life pretty amazing..... Enjoy.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Life's Undertoe

I promised myself when Littleyo was born I'd write down the previous weeks thoughts and lessons. In the beginning I was diligent. I was able to keep it up for months.  I learned rather than come up with an excuse ( I have plenty) this time in my life I understand the deeper importance of family and nothing is more important than preserving the memories of something extraordinary. My family defines who I am and to have these stories to share and look back on is a gift.

...LittleYO I can not stop loving him ever!!! This little man is incredible and I found myself not talking to him like a baby.  I talk to him like I want him to speak to me when he finally string some words together.  Now 2 1/2 that time is getting closer and we read books, sing and so much more. What is most important is preparing him for his Sisteryo in MAY!

To have a daughterYO, I still can not image loving anything as much or even equal to how much I love LittleYO.  I want to be even and non partial with my kids with my love and as it stands right now...I have no idea what I am feeling; other than a bit nervous and scared. Will I and Can I love her as much? Everybody tells me "you'll see" and I cant wait....

Weeks away from the arrival we need to come up with a name for daughterYO for our blog, so I've come up with CookieYO! Lets see if it sticks.....

For now, I got lots to do before CookieYO arrives. So Much to do......but I will make more time to write and will try not to let anything come in between this very important time for me. Looking back, I thank myself for the video I uploaded, the pictures I have taken and the stories I have captured.I will be doing more of it.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

GrandmaYo's last lesson to DaddyYO

When I finally have the time to sit down and write..its never a good time for my thoughts, as I feel I don't have much to write about. Instead of writing "nothing new..all the same" this blog helps me to reflect on the past couple of weeks. Now, after thinking about it, I don't want to avoid speaking about something important and very personal.

This holiday season was a rough one for me and my familyyo. GrandmaYO ( my Mommyyo) passed on December 10th, 2010. She was a Christmas baby and would of been 63 years old on December 25th, 2010. Rushing down to be by her side, I wished there was something I can do to help. A feeling of complete powerlessness. There was nothing I can do or any doctor could and my MommyYO knew it. She was ready and  and in one of her most famous replies " it is what it is. What can you do." - So we sat there all together (all her kids - 4 total) by her side for 2 weeks.

When we had some time alone. I asked if she had any regrets? She said "The only thing I regret, is not being there for the grand kids...I'm really going to miss them""- it dawned on me at that moment, how very special her grandchildren are to her and the enormous  love she had for all of them.  I believe, those few sentences were so pure of love, still very much alive, it taught me a very special lesson.  Looking at her...she looking at me; we shared a brief lapse in time together. A Day Dream, that we did not discuss....

Not knowing if we were sharing the same thought or experience, I sat there holding her hand reflecting on her response.   All of a sudden, emotions rushed across my mind like a tornado, picking up thoughts from the past and present and throwing them down into my consciousness.  I became light and unaware of my body and my physical surroundings. I got the chills and felt something inside/out and around that was very real and present.  It was one of the last, of many, magical moments I shared with my mother. I was kicked back into reality where I stood next to my folding chair, next to her bed.

The life lessons, the motherly voice still in my head, of love will live on....for someday LittleYO, now 2 years old and " BabyYO" now 7 months along and due in May will read back on this post and keep GrandmaYO close in there thoughts, weather they remember her or not. Love truly knows know boundaries, alive or dead.  We will miss her, forever and her love lives on.....